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import { FC } from 'react' |
import styled from 'styled-components' |
import { device } from '../../../styles/BreakPoints' |
import CodeSnippet from '../../ui/CodeSnippet' |
import Answer from '../Answer' |
import QuizImage from '../../ui/QuizImage' |
const QuestionContainer = styled.div` |
margin-top: 30px; |
margin-bottom: 40px; |
max-width: 88%; |
@media ${device.sm} { |
max-width: 100%; |
} |
` |
const AnswersContainer = styled.div` |
max-width: 78%; |
@media ${device.sm} { |
max-width: 100%; |
} |
` |
const QuestionStyle = styled.h2` |
font-size: clamp(18px, 4vw, 28px); |
font-weight: 500; |
margin-bottom: 25px; |
color: ${({ theme }) => theme.colors.primaryText}; |
line-height: 1.3; |
` |
interface QuestionTypes { |
question: string |
code?: string |
image?: string |
type: string |
choices: string[] |
selectedAnswer: string[] |
handleAnswerSelection: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, index: number) => void |
} |
const Question: FC<QuestionTypes> = ({ |
question, |
code, |
image, |
type, |
choices, |
selectedAnswer, |
handleAnswerSelection, |
}) => { |
return ( |
<QuestionContainer> |
<QuestionStyle>!!!{question}</QuestionStyle> |
{/* if question contains code snippet then show code */} |
{code && <CodeSnippet code={code} language="javascript" />} |
{/* if question contains an image */} |
{image && <QuizImage image={image} />} |
<AnswersContainer> |
{choices.map((choice, index) => ( |
<Answer |
choice={choice} |
index={index} |
key={index} |
onChange={(e) => handleAnswerSelection(e, index)} |
type={type} |
selectedAnswer={selectedAnswer} |
/> |
))} |
</AnswersContainer> |
</QuestionContainer> |
) |
} |
export default Question |
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ |
// Question Types
// 1. MCQs | Multiple Choice | single
// 2. boolean | true/false | single
// 3. MAQs | Multiple Answers | multiple
import { Topic } from '.' |
import CodeSnippet1 from '../../assets/images/code-snippet-1.png' |
export const java8: Topic = { |
topic: 'Java 8', |
level: 'Intermediate', |
totalQuestions: 20, |
totalScore: 100, |
totalTime: 600, |
detail:"This test is designed for software developers to assess their understanding of the Java Platform, Standard Edition language through Java SE 8.", |
questions: [ |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");\nlist.stream().forEach(System.out::println);', |
choices: [ |
'"a", "b", "c" printed on separate lines', |
'A compilation error', |
'A runtime exception', |
'"a b c" printed on the same line', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a", "b", "c" printed on separate lines'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'Which method in the java.util.Optional class is used to retrieve the value if present?', |
choices: [ |
'get()', |
'value()', |
'retrieve()', |
'fetch()', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['get()'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'Stream.of("a", "b", "c").map(String::toUpperCase).collect(Collectors.toList());', |
choices: [ |
'Converts all strings in the stream to uppercase and collects them into a list', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
'Converts all strings in the stream to lowercase and collects them into a set', |
'Prints the uppercase strings to the console', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Converts all strings in the stream to uppercase and collects them into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the java.util.function package?', |
choices: [ |
'To provide functional interfaces for lambda expressions and method references', |
'To handle input and output operations', |
'To manage database connections', |
'To provide utility methods for collections', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To provide functional interfaces for lambda expressions and method references'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nOptional<Integer> result = numbers.stream().reduce(Integer::sum);\nSystem.out.println(result.get());', |
choices: [ |
'15', |
'10', |
'0', |
'A compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['15'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'Which new date and time API was introduced in Java 8?', |
choices: [ |
'java.time', |
'java.util.date', |
'java.sql.time', |
'java.time.calendar', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['java.time'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is a lambda expression in Java?', |
choices: [ |
'A way to create anonymous methods', |
'A method reference', |
'A type of loop', |
'A way to create arrays', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['A way to create anonymous methods'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'IntStream.range(1, 5).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'1234', |
'12345', |
'1 2 3 4', |
'1 2 3 4 5', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['1234'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the Streams API in Java 8?', |
choices: [ |
'To process sequences of elements in a functional style', |
'To manage database connections', |
'To perform input and output operations', |
'To handle concurrency', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To process sequences of elements in a functional style'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");\nString result = list.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", "));\nSystem.out.println(result);', |
choices: [ |
'"a, b, c"', |
'"abc"', |
'"a b c"', |
'"a-b-c"', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a, b, c"'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three");\nlist.stream().filter(s -> s.length() > 3).collect(Collectors.toList());', |
choices: [ |
'Filters the strings with length greater than 3 and collects them into a list', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
'Filters the strings with length less than 3 and collects them into a list', |
'Prints the strings with length greater than 3 to the console', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Filters the strings with length greater than 3 and collects them into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the default method in an interface?', |
choices: [ |
'A method with a body that can be overridden in the implementing class', |
'A method without a body that must be implemented by the class', |
'A method that can be called without creating an instance', |
'A method that is private and only accessible within the interface', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['A method with a body that can be overridden in the implementing class'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("a", "b", "c");\nlong count = stream.count();\nSystem.out.println(count);', |
choices: [ |
'3', |
'2', |
'1', |
'A compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['3'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the method map() do in a stream?', |
choices: [ |
'Transforms each element in the stream by applying a function', |
'Filters elements based on a condition', |
'Collects elements into a collection', |
'Terminates the stream', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Transforms each element in the stream by applying a function'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'123', |
'12', |
'1 2 3', |
'1234', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['123'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is a functional interface in Java?', |
choices: [ |
'An interface with a single abstract method', |
'An interface with multiple abstract methods', |
'An interface with only static methods', |
'An interface with only default methods', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['An interface with a single abstract method'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nlist.stream().filter(i -> i % 2 == 0).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'24', |
'135', |
'12345', |
'5', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['24'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the Collectors.toList() method?', |
choices: [ |
'To collect the elements of a stream into a list', |
'To filter elements based on a condition', |
'To sort elements in a stream', |
'To convert a stream to an array', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To collect the elements of a stream into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nOptional<Integer> result = list.stream().max(Integer::compare);\nSystem.out.println(result.get());', |
choices: [ |
'Finds the maximum element in the list and prints it', |
'Finds the minimum element in the list and prints it', |
'Calculates the sum of all elements in the list and prints it', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Finds the maximum element in the list and prints it'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("a", "b", "c");\nString result = stream.collect(Collectors.joining("-"));\nSystem.out.println(result);', |
choices: [ |
'"a-b-c"', |
'"abc"', |
'"a, b, c"', |
'"a b c"', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a-b-c"'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
], |
}; |
@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ |
// Question Types
// 1. MCQs | Multiple Choice | single
// 2. boolean | true/false | single
// 3. MAQs | Multiple Answers | multiple
import { Topic } from '.' |
import CodeSnippet1 from '../../assets/images/code-snippet-1.png' |
export const sql: Topic = { |
topic: 'ANSI SQL:2011 PROGRAMMING', |
level: 'Intermediate', |
totalQuestions: 20, |
totalScore: 100, |
totalTime: 600, |
detail:"This test is designed for application and database developers working with any ANSI SQL compliant database. It measures knowledge of the SQL:2011 standard.", |
questions: [ |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");\nlist.stream().forEach(System.out::println);', |
choices: [ |
'"a", "b", "c" printed on separate lines', |
'A compilation error', |
'A runtime exception', |
'"a b c" printed on the same line', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a", "b", "c" printed on separate lines'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'Which method in the java.util.Optional class is used to retrieve the value if present?', |
choices: [ |
'get()', |
'value()', |
'retrieve()', |
'fetch()', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['get()'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'Stream.of("a", "b", "c").map(String::toUpperCase).collect(Collectors.toList());', |
choices: [ |
'Converts all strings in the stream to uppercase and collects them into a list', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
'Converts all strings in the stream to lowercase and collects them into a set', |
'Prints the uppercase strings to the console', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Converts all strings in the stream to uppercase and collects them into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the java.util.function package?', |
choices: [ |
'To provide functional interfaces for lambda expressions and method references', |
'To handle input and output operations', |
'To manage database connections', |
'To provide utility methods for collections', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To provide functional interfaces for lambda expressions and method references'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nOptional<Integer> result = numbers.stream().reduce(Integer::sum);\nSystem.out.println(result.get());', |
choices: [ |
'15', |
'10', |
'0', |
'A compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['15'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'Which new date and time API was introduced in Java 8?', |
choices: [ |
'java.time', |
'java.util.date', |
'java.sql.time', |
'java.time.calendar', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['java.time'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is a lambda expression in Java?', |
choices: [ |
'A way to create anonymous methods', |
'A method reference', |
'A type of loop', |
'A way to create arrays', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['A way to create anonymous methods'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'IntStream.range(1, 5).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'1234', |
'12345', |
'1 2 3 4', |
'1 2 3 4 5', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['1234'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the Streams API in Java 8?', |
choices: [ |
'To process sequences of elements in a functional style', |
'To manage database connections', |
'To perform input and output operations', |
'To handle concurrency', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To process sequences of elements in a functional style'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");\nString result = list.stream().collect(Collectors.joining(", "));\nSystem.out.println(result);', |
choices: [ |
'"a, b, c"', |
'"abc"', |
'"a b c"', |
'"a-b-c"', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a, b, c"'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'List<String> list = Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three");\nlist.stream().filter(s -> s.length() > 3).collect(Collectors.toList());', |
choices: [ |
'Filters the strings with length greater than 3 and collects them into a list', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
'Filters the strings with length less than 3 and collects them into a list', |
'Prints the strings with length greater than 3 to the console', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Filters the strings with length greater than 3 and collects them into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the default method in an interface?', |
choices: [ |
'A method with a body that can be overridden in the implementing class', |
'A method without a body that must be implemented by the class', |
'A method that can be called without creating an instance', |
'A method that is private and only accessible within the interface', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['A method with a body that can be overridden in the implementing class'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("a", "b", "c");\nlong count = stream.count();\nSystem.out.println(count);', |
choices: [ |
'3', |
'2', |
'1', |
'A compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['3'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the method map() do in a stream?', |
choices: [ |
'Transforms each element in the stream by applying a function', |
'Filters elements based on a condition', |
'Collects elements into a collection', |
'Terminates the stream', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Transforms each element in the stream by applying a function'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 3).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'123', |
'12', |
'1 2 3', |
'1234', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['123'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is a functional interface in Java?', |
choices: [ |
'An interface with a single abstract method', |
'An interface with multiple abstract methods', |
'An interface with only static methods', |
'An interface with only default methods', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['An interface with a single abstract method'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nlist.stream().filter(i -> i % 2 == 0).forEach(System.out::print);', |
choices: [ |
'24', |
'135', |
'12345', |
'5', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['24'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the purpose of the Collectors.toList() method?', |
choices: [ |
'To collect the elements of a stream into a list', |
'To filter elements based on a condition', |
'To sort elements in a stream', |
'To convert a stream to an array', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['To collect the elements of a stream into a list'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What does the following code snippet do?', |
code: 'List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\nOptional<Integer> result = list.stream().max(Integer::compare);\nSystem.out.println(result.get());', |
choices: [ |
'Finds the maximum element in the list and prints it', |
'Finds the minimum element in the list and prints it', |
'Calculates the sum of all elements in the list and prints it', |
'Throws a compilation error', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['Finds the maximum element in the list and prints it'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
{ |
question: 'What is the result of the following code?', |
code: 'Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("a", "b", "c");\nString result = stream.collect(Collectors.joining("-"));\nSystem.out.println(result);', |
choices: [ |
'"a-b-c"', |
'"abc"', |
'"a, b, c"', |
'"a b c"', |
], |
type: 'MCQs', |
correctAnswers: ['"a-b-c"'], |
score: 5, |
}, |
], |
}; |
@ -1,66 +1,28 @@ |
import { ReactNode } from 'react' |
import { ReactComponent as Angular } from '../assets/icons/angular.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as CSS } from '../assets/icons/css-3.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as Django } from '../assets/icons/dj.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as Gatsby } from '../assets/icons/gatsby.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as JavaScript } from '../assets/icons/javascript.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as Kotlin } from '../assets/icons/kotlin.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as Laravel } from '../assets/icons/laravel.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as Python } from '../assets/icons/python.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as ReactIcon } from '../assets/icons/react.svg' |
import { ReactComponent as BulbIcon } from '../assets/icons/bulb.svg' |
type QuizTopic = { |
title: string |
icon: ReactNode |
disabled?: boolean |
} |
export const quizTopics: QuizTopic[] = [ |
{ |
title: 'React', |
icon: <ReactIcon />, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'JavaScript', |
icon: <JavaScript />, |
title: 'Java 8 programing' |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Python', |
icon: <Python />, |
title: 'React' |
}, |
{ |
title: 'General Knowledge', |
icon: <BulbIcon />, |
title: 'JavaScript' |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Gatsby', |
icon: <Gatsby />, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Angular', |
icon: <Angular />, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
title: 'Python' |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Django', |
icon: <Django />, |
disabled: true, |
title: 'General Knowledge' |
}, |
{ |
title: 'CSS', |
icon: <CSS />, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Kotlin', |
icon: <Kotlin />, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'Laravel', |
icon: <Laravel />, |
disabled: true, |
}, |
title: 'CSS' |
} |
] |
Reference in new issue